Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Unstoppable 2015

It's been more than 8 months since I last posted but hey, it won't hurt to start again!

2014 wasn't much of a great year for me and some friends. Hearts broke, countless tears fell, stress on almost every other thing in life but hey, this is all behind us and let's just brace ourselves with 2015, Year of the Chinese Zodiac Animal, the Ram, my year!

2015 didn't start off perfect but I had this strong feeling that it's gonna be the best year so far. Nothing's going to stop me from having a very successful 2015. I've thought of goals and had set them so I could be a better version of myself this year. No more mediocrity and everyday should be taken one 'A' at a time and whatever happens, I'm positive to allow no one and nothing to curtail this drive and negatively affect me and everything in my life.

To be a TCVS is something  will achieve in due course and to be a tycoon in the financial area is something I am to attain so I can contribute some more to society.

This year, proceeding to 2nd year medicine proper as a regular student, getting fit, stressing less and being happy is the ultimate general goal and with patience, dedication, control and hard work, I am certain, this can be properly attained.
A little obstacle can't stop me from making 2015 my best year so far.
I got hooked to an iv but guess what, it was never a reason for me to stop doing everything that I had to do. Yes it was limiting but I mad sure it wasn't making a significant difference.

Cheers to 2015!